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Yoga Pose Breakdown: Hanumanasana - Splits Pose

By on 07:24

Sanskrit Name: Hanumanasana (hah-new-mahn-AHS-anna)

Hanu = Jaw
Man = Prominent or Disfigured 
Hanuman = Monkey God

Get Started: 
  • Start in a kneeling position
  • Step your right foot forward about a foot in front of your left knee
  • Externally rotate your right inner thigh, as your right toes move to the right edge of your mat
  • Lengthen your torso forward as you press your fingertips into the mat
  • Slowly begin to slide your left knee back, as your right thigh descends to the mat
  • Begin to push your right heel away from your torso and begin to internally rotate the leg inward. Ensure that your kneecap is facing the sky
  • Keep pressing your left knee back, allowing your left thigh and back of your right leg to press down
  • Keep both legs active and work on squaring your hips to the front of the room
  • Keep your fingertips on the ground or left your arms toward the sky 
  •  To exit the pose, press your hands to the floor, as you turn the front leg out slightly. Slowly return the front heel and the back knee to the start.
Benefits: This pose stretches the thighs, hamstrings and groins. It stimulates the abdominal organs and increases flexibility.
Contradictions: Avoid practicing this pose if you have a groin or hamstring injury.
Know Your Asana: If you are just starting to practice this pose, try placing a bolster below the pelvis. You may also want to experiment with using a blanket or blocks under your inner thighs or hands.
This pose is named for the Money God, Hanuman who symbolizes ultimate devotion.Photo Cred: Two Fit Moms

yoga post: Yoga Pose Breakdown: Hanumanasana - Splits Pose
Reviewed by: YoGA | Yoga Clue
yoga update : 07:24 | Rating of yoga lesson: 4.5

Comment for "Yoga Pose Breakdown: Hanumanasana - Splits Pose"


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