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what does mean yoga?

By on 14:33

what does mean yoga?

Yoga is a power of philosophy that originated in India 5000 years ago that is based on the attainment of enlightenment and the liberation of one’s self from those burdens that can have negative effects on the mind, body, and spirit. The practice of yoga was brought to the Western countries, like the United States, after it gained popularity because of the many touted benefits. However, most teachers of the philosophy place the most emphasis on the physical poses and less on the meditation aspect. Yoga have become very popular additions to the fitness routines of many people around the world, and for good reason, which is why people are learning about yoga and its many benefits for the mind and body.

To find a comprehensive introduction to yoga basics, including a glossary of yoga terms and an introduction to popular types of yoga and basic poses visit :

To learn more about yoga, from its origin to how to benefit from it, visit :
 Beginners can also find a wealth of yoga information such as frequently asked questions and answers about yoga practice, including the mysterious chakras, or primary energy centers in the body, and what yoga postures activate them  In addition to yoga exercises for body and mind. The benefits of yoga are many, and if you haven’t tried it already, you owe it to yourself to liberate your soul and reach the next level of enlightenment, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Anyone can do yoga, at any age, and in most any physical condition. 
and for more informations you can watch this video .

yoga post: what does mean yoga?
Reviewed by: YoGA | Yoga Clue
yoga update : 14:33 | Rating of yoga lesson: 4.5

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